http://www.computerandvideogames ... werful-as-xbox-360/ Crytek CEO is 'very high' on the Wii U
Crytek公司总裁 Cevat Yerli接受CVG采访时表示,对于外界纷纷扬扬的WiiU机能比PS360低的言论表示理解不能,他个人对WiiU的机能是高度评价的。虽然Crytek和任天堂没有事业来往,都是这并不代表CryEngine 3不能在WiiU上运行,事实上它还跑得很顺溜呢。 Cevat Yerli再次重申:WiiU性能很强大的,外界的低机能论是站不住脚的,从我的观察来看WiiU怎么说也有XBOX360般的性能嘛~
"From my perspective I do not understand the public's concerns that the Wii U is weaker than PS3 and 360," he said. "That I cannot see. From my perspective the Wii U is minimum as powerful as Xbox 360."