Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat
So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend
Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
这首火遍2004年中国大街小巷的英文歌是张天王曾经唱过的《吻别》。在当今这个年头,经常听说的都是国内的某某翻唱国外谁谁的歌,但老外翻唱中国歌,这是不是头一次我不清楚,但绝对是少见的。话虽这样说,其实对于这种翻唱,我很早便接触到了。记得十多年前,也就是1995年左右,有一次在我哥家找到了一盘磁带,里面是当时比较流行的港台国语歌曲的英唱,所谓的英唱就是调还是这个调,只不过把歌词改成英文的了,就类似这首歌这样。这盘磁带的歌很多,里面就有吻别,其他的歌印象不深,能记住的还有新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦和祝福等,总共十几首的样子。这些歌不是一个人唱的,由于时间已久,演唱者是谁已无法考证,印象里应该不是老外。因为这磁带并不是盗版,好像是国内某公司出版的,而且当时国内兴过一阵英文翻唱热,应该是当年某公司找国内的一些业余歌手做的吧,这么多年过去了,那盘磁带现在早无影了,所有细节现在均已haven't got a clue. 不过从那时开始,就对它有了感性认识。其实我个人并不欣赏这种翻唱,虽然刚一听觉得很新鲜,相信每个人都有这种感受,但新鲜感很快就会消失,到那时,不仅不会认同翻唱者,相反还会觉得原唱更加出色。道理很简单,中文歌就是中文歌,英文歌就是英文歌,他们的区别并不仅仅是语言的不同,更多的还是在于曲调和曲风。只要这些不改变,无论你怎么唱,无论你用什么语言,听起来都还是中国味。从那以后多年过去了,市面上再也见不到类似的中文英唱磁带了,也许是唱片公司也懂得了这个道理,不再出了吧,因为谁也不想费力不讨好。现在反而有些怀念当年的那盘磁带,很后悔当年没有把它占为己有,呵呵。说了这么多,关于这期的歌手还一个字都没介绍呢,没关系,还有下一期。其实这Michael Learns To Rock(简称MLTR)并不是只有这一首让国内听众喜欢的歌,关于他们,在下一期里,那时我会有更多的话要说。