楼主: Schelfaniel

[ARC] KOF98资料全书【心得研究·9】

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:10 | 显示全部楼层

Iori Yagami
破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 5秒
远A: 3-4 3
近A: 3-4 3
蹲A: 3-4 3
直跳A: 4-5 6
斜跳A: 3-4 5
远B: 4-5 4
近B: 4 4
蹲B: 3 2
直跳B: 4-5 6
斜跳B: 4-5 5
远C: 12-13 16-17
近C: 12-13 10-11
蹲C: 9-10 22-24
直跳C: 16-17 17-19
斜跳C: 14-16 18-19
远D: 15-17 18-20
近D: 9-11 16-18
蹲D: 9-10 15-17
直跳D: 13-15 17-18
斜跳D: 12-13 16-18
CD: 10-11 14-15
跳CD: 8-9 10-11
闪避攻击: 4-5 6
6A,A: 11+7-8 3+3
6B: 无 10+9-10
空中4B: 无 16-17
26A: 12-13 13-15
26C: 15-16 17-19
623A: 9+4+2-3 13-15
623C: 13+9+2-3 13+5+2-3
24A/C: 7-8 8-9
24A/C(第2hit,衍生技): 9 10-11
24A/C (第3hit,衍生技): 5 10-11
624B: 15 23-25
624D: 19-21 20-22
623B: 6 10-11
623D: 9-10 7

Mature 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 5秒
远A: 2-3 2
蹲A: 3 3
直跳A: 3-4 4
斜跳A: 3-4 3
远B: 2+1 1+1
蹲B: 2-3 2
直跳B: 1+1 2+1
斜跳B: 2+1 1+1
远C: 14-15 16-18
近C: 12-14 16-18
蹲C: 13-14 17-19
直跳C: 15-16 17-19
斜跳C: 13-14 15-17
远D: 18-20 15-17
近D: 9+2-3 15+6-7
蹲D: 12-13 16-19
直跳D: 16-17 19-20
斜跳D: 17-19 21-23
CD: 13-14 14-15
跳CD: 15-16 15-17
闪避攻击: 3-4 4
6B: 6+5-6 5+5
26A: 13-15 19-21
26C: 16-17 16-17
24B: 10 11
24D: 11 8
623A : 1+1+1... 2+1+1...
623C: 1+1+1... 1+1+1...
624A (3轮): 2+1+1... 2+1+1
624C (3轮): 2+1+1... 1+1+1
2624A: 11-12 17-19
2624C: 12-13 14-15

Vice 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 5秒
远A: 2 3
蹲A: 3 4
直跳A: 3-4 4
斜跳A: 2-3 4
远B: 1+1 2+1
近B: 1 2
蹲B: 2 3
直跳B: 2 4
斜跳B: 2 3
远C: 17-19 17-18
近C: 12-13 22-24
蹲C: 12-13 18-19
直跳C: 14-16 18-20
斜跳C: 12-14 16-18
远D: 15-16 22-24
近D: 11-12+6 15+7-8
蹲D: 12-13 17-18
直跳D: 17-18 20-21
斜跳D: 14-15 15-17
CD: 11-13 15-16
跳CD: 13-15 15-18
闪避攻击: 3 4
6A: 18-19 15-16
连: 无 6-7
24A: 14-16 12-13
24C: 15-17 7
24B: 6+2 3+2+1+1
24D: 5+5+5-6 3+1+1+1
J24B/D: 5+2+1+1 6+2+1+1
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:10 | 显示全部楼层

Heidern 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 7.5秒
远A: 3 4
蹲A: 2 2
直跳A: 3-4 5
斜跳A: 3 4
远B: 3-4 2
近B: 3-5 2
蹲B: 2 2
直跳B: 5 5
斜跳B: 3-4 3
远C: 10-11 17-19
近C: 9+9-10 11+7-8
蹲C: 10-11 15-16
直跳C: 10-11 17-18
斜跳C: 7-8 15-17
远D: 12-13 22-24
近D: 15-17 10-11
蹲D: 8-9 10-11
直跳D: 16-18 15-17
斜跳D: 12-13 14-15
CD: 9-10 25-28
跳CD: 11-12 10-11
闪避攻击: 3-4 5
6B: 4+3-4 5+5
连: 无 无
4蓄6A: 12-13 14-15
4蓄6C: 13-14 13-14
2蓄8A: 12 26-29
2蓄8C: 15 8-9

Takuma Sakazaki 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 5秒
远A: 6-7 2
近A: 6 2
蹲A: 3-4 3
直跳A: 5 6
斜跳A: 5 5
远B: 3-4 2
近B: 3-4 2
蹲B: 3 3
直跳B: 3 6
斜跳B: 2 5
远C: 10-11 18-19
近C: 20-22 18-20
蹲C: 12-13 13-14
直跳C: 11-13 18-20
斜跳C: 10-11 18-19
远D: 12-14 15-17
近D: 12-13 13-14
蹲D: 17-18 10-11
直跳D: 12-13 14-16
斜跳D: 12-13 13-14
CD: 16-17 17-18
跳CD: 10-11 11-12
闪避攻击: 5-6 6
6A: 13-15 12-13
连: 3 6-7
6B: 9-10 13-15
连: 6 6-7
26A: 13 14-15
26C: 15-17 11-12
16B: 9 13-15
1蓄6D: 3+3 3+3
6246A: 13-15 13-15
蓄: 16-17 10-11
6246C: 11-12 11-12
24A/C: 13-14 7-8

Saishu Kusanagi 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 6秒
远A: 3-4 5
近A: 2-3 4
蹲A: 2 4
直跳A: 3 6
斜跳A: 3-4 5
远B: 3 5
近B: 3 4
蹲B: 3 2-3
直跳B: 3-4 5-6
斜跳B: 3-4 6
远C: 13-15 21-23
近C: 9+3-4 12+6-7
蹲C: 19-20 15-16
直跳C: 13-14 15-17
斜跳C: 12-13 15-17
远D: 18-20 18-20
蹲D: 6 13-14
直跳D: 12-13 20-22
斜跳D: 10-11 16-17
CD: 10-11 17-19
跳CD: 8-9 13-16
6A: 19-21 16-17
连: 无 无
闪避攻击: 3 6
6B: 12-13 13-14
26A: 9-10 13-15
26C: 9-10 11-12
623A: 9-10 12-13
623C: 13+7-8 11+5-6
24A: 13-14 5
24A(第2hit,衍生技): 1 3
24C: 8-9 6-7
24C(第2hit,衍生技): 3 5
24B: 6+3 11+7-8
24D: 7+4-5 12+4-5
623B: 11+9-10 13+13-14
623D: 无 5+5+5
2426A/C: 10-11 无
*2426A/C: 1+1+1 无
2626A/C: 35+31-31 无
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:10 | 显示全部楼层

Heavy D 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 5秒
远A: 3 5
近A: 3 4
蹲A: 2 3
直跳A: 3-4 5
斜跳A: 3-4 5
远B: 3-4 4
近B: 3-4 5
蹲B: 2 3
直跳B: 3-4 3
斜跳B: 3-4 4
远C: 12-13 19-20
近C: 11-12 18-20
蹲C: 10-11 17-18
直跳C: 6+3 8+2-3
斜跳C: 6+3 8+2-3
远D: 11-12 15-17
近D: 6+5-6 12+6-7
蹲D: 16-17 11-12
直跳D: 12-13 17-18
斜跳D: 11-12 15-17
CD: 12-13 20-22
跳CD: 17-18 12-15
闪避攻击: 3-4 5
6A: 21-23 6
连: 无 无
26A: 8-9 13-15
26A(强): 8-9+8+10 14-15+4+1
26C: 7+2+1 4+3+1
26C(强): 6+3+6+3+1 5+2+3+1+1
26B: 18-19 12-13
26B(强): 6+3 12+6+13+6
26D: 8 7
26D(强): 3+3-4 5+2
24B: 11-12 14-15
qcb+B(强): 3+1 13+8-9
24D: 12-13 6
qcb+D(强): 6+3 无
24A: 3-4 7
24A(强): 3-4+11+7-9 7+10+14-15
24A(第2hit,衍生技): 5 5
24A(第2hit,衍生技,强):5+2+1+1 5+5+2+1
24C: 4-5 5
24C(强): 4+16+6-7 5+9+12-13
24C(第2hit,衍生技): 7 3
24C (第2hit,衍生技,强):11+5-6 3+3
22A/C(强): 2+2+2+2+2 2+2+2+2+2
2626A: 24-26 无

Lucky Glauber 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 7秒
远A: 3 2
近A: 2-3 2
蹲A: 3-4 2
直跳A: 4 3
斜跳A: 4-5 3
远B: 3 3
近B: 3 3
蹲B: 3 3
直跳B: 4-5 4
斜跳B: 3-4 4
远C: 15-17 24-26
近C: 12-13 11-12
蹲C: 16-18 13-15
直跳C: 12-13 13-15
斜跳C: 9-10 15-17
远D: 22-23 12-13
近D: 9-10 15-17
蹲D: 12-13 10-11
直跳D: 12-13 20-22
斜跳D: 11-12 13-15
CD: 20-22 14-15
跳CD: 12-13 13-14
闪避攻击: 4-5 7
6B: 9-10 无
连: 无 无
J2A: 14-16 12-13
26A: 13-14 10-12
26C: 16-17 9-10
24A: 16-17 11-12
26C: 18-19 9-10
22A: 12 7
22B: 11-13 6-7
22C: 11-12 7
22D: 12-13 6-7
623B: 6+3 无
623D: 8 无
624B: 6+2+1+1+1 7+3+1
624D: 6+2+1+1+1 5+2+1+1+1
2626A: 31-32 无
*2626A: 28-30 无

Brian Battler 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 4秒
远A: 4-5 4
近A: 4-5 4
蹲A: 4 4
直跳A: 4-5 5
斜跳A: 4 4
远B: 5-6 4-5
近B: 5 4
蹲B: 3-4 5-6
直跳B: 5 5-6
斜跳B: 4 4-5
远C: 14-15 15-16
近C: 11+6-7 10+4-6
蹲C: 10-12 8-9
直跳C: 11-13 13-15
斜跳C: 11-13 13-14
远D: 13-14 20-22
近D: 18-21 16-18
蹲D: 13-15 13-15
直跳D: 10-11 12-13
斜跳D: 10-11 12-13
CD: 11-12 17-18
跳CD: 11-12 13-14
闪避攻击: 4-5 4-5
J2C: 11-12 4-5
J2C: 11-12 13-15
26A: 6+4+1+2 3+1+1
26C: 6+3+1+1+1 1+1+1+1+1
J26A/C: 1+1+1. 1+1+1.
26B: 16-17 14-15
26D: 14-16 11-12
623B: 12+10-12 13-14
623D: 8 16-17
24A/C: 6+2-3 8+4-5
24AC(第2hit,衍生技): 6 None
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:10 | 显示全部楼层

Rugal Bernstein 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 4 秒
远A: 1 5
近A: 1 4
蹲A: 1 4
直跳A: 2-3 4-5
斜跳A: 2 4
远B: 1 4
近B: 1 4
蹲B: 1 6-7
直跳B: 2-3 5
斜跳B: 2 4
远C: 11-13 14-16
近C: 3+3 11+5-6
蹲C: 4 9
直跳C: 6-7 16-7
斜跳C: 7-8 15-17
远D: 12-14 23-26
近D: 2+1-2 9+4-5
蹲D: 5 9-1
直跳D: 3+1-2 4+11-13
斜跳D: 5-6 13-5
CD: 12-14 13-14
JCD: 11-12 14-15
闪避攻击: 2-3 5
6B: 3+2-3 10+10-12
连: 无 无
26A: 6 12-14
26C: 7 10-11
623B: 3+1 6+11-13
623D: 6+2 7+13-14
6426A: 6 13-14
6426A(第2hit,衍生技): 6+5-6 17-18
6426A(第3hit,衍生技): 6+6+3-4 22-24
6426C: 7-8 11-12
6426C(第2hit,衍生技): 7+6-7 14-15
6426C(第3hit,衍生技): 7+7+3-4 18-19
26A/C (蓄): 无 8
26A: 2-3 13-14
26C: 2-3 13-14
J26A/C (蓄): 无 8-9
26A/C: 4 13-14
623B: 1+1+1 6+6+6-8
623D: 4+4 6+6+6-8

Shingo Yabuki 破防值 气绝值
破防值重计间隔时间: 6.5 秒
远A: 3-4 4
近A: 3 3
蹲A: 2 3
直跳A: 3 5
斜跳A: 3 4
远B: 3 4
近B: 3 3
蹲B: 3 3
直跳B: 3-4 6
斜跳B: 4 5
远C: 14-15 22-24
近C: 9 16-18
蹲C: 6-7 12-13
直跳C: 14-15 17-19
斜跳C: 13-14 14-16
远D: 18-20 18-19
蹲D: 17-19 16-17
直跳D: 14-15 17-19
斜跳D: 11-12 16-17
CD: 12-13 24-26
JCD: 9-10 12-13
闪避攻击: 3 5
26A: 13-15 11-12
26C: 12-13 12-13
防御不能技: 无 无
623A: 9-10 17-19
623C: 15+6-7 24-27
24B: 无 26-29
24D: 无 6+6+6
下落: 无 7
426B: 20-21 31-33
426D: 21-22 30-32
24A/C: 无 4
Counter: 无 8-9
2626A/C: 重计 无
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:11 | 显示全部楼层

The King of Fighters'98以及所有角色的版权归SNK 公司所有。

The King of Fighters '98

Guard Crush and Dizzy FAQ

by Gerald "Yagyu" Joubert

I. Why
II. Explanation of Dizzy System
III.Explanation of the Guard Crush System
IV. Abbreviations
V. The Info
VI. Thanks/Misc Stuff


I bet you're wondering why I'd want to write a faq about Guard Crushes and Dizzies.
I feel that SNK left a lot of mystery surrounding these two gameplay systems.
I've always kinda wanted to know what make guard crushes and dizzies work myself, maybe somebody else does too.
The second why I bet you're wondering is: "How can this help me " I'm not gonna lie,
this is some pretty advanced stuff and you're going to need advanced knowledge of the character you play.
This faq can help you get most out of your combos and it could help you rethink about certain moves your character has.
Since I don't know your style, I ain't gonna preach to you. I'll just present the information and let you decide if it can help you.
Oh yeah, it's my first faq, so don't rip me up too bad, okay

II. Explanation of the Dizzy System

It's obvious that the programmers want you to be all over the opponent.
Why Because that's the only way you'll ever dizzy anybody. Every character has 105 Dizzy points.
When it hits zero, BOOM!! As you guessed, you're dizzy. Once hit, it takes about 2.5 seconds before your dizzy meter to completely reset back to 105.
This mean you'll have to be all over your opponent. Luckily the meter doesn't reset when your opponents is blocking, juggled, or floored.
Once opponent is dizzied, any combo or hit on them doesn't subtract from the dizzy meter. This effect lasts for about 5 seconds,
then it will start to subtract again.

III.Explanation of the Guard Crush System

Now this is the more feasible of the two. The Guard Crush meter is a lot more forgiving.
You'll don't have to be all over opponent to get a guard crush. Again, every character has 105 Guard Crush points.
The time differs for every character for the Guard Crush meter to reset back to 105 after each blocked attack.
Unlike the Dizzy Meter, the Guard Meter starts up immediately after being crushed.
Therefore, you pressure you put on still counts.
IV. Abbreviations

Here are the many abbreviations I'll be using in this faq:
sf-standing far
sc-standing close
gcrt-guard crush reset time
qcf-quarter circle forward
hcf-half circle forward
qcb-quarter circle backward
hcb-half circle backward
b,f-charge back then forward
d,u-charge down then up
dp-Dragon Punch type motion
rdp-Dragon Punch motion in reverse
df-down forward
j-jump up
jtb-jump toward or back
wc-when chained (refers to command attacks)
"-"-this means numbers vary between
+-this means two numbers are added together (for multi-hit moves)
sh-sidestep attack
sa-Shadow Add (Heavy D!'s move enhancer)
.-the move takes off the same amount until it's finished

V.The Info

The following information is based on my observations of a DIP Switch Option in home version of KOF'98.
I have attempted to be as precise as humanly possible when recording this information.
This was hard because the numbers vary a lot , but I feel I've made a noble attempt.
Due to space I've decided to use just the command of special moves and death moves.
Moves that don't do anything (like Kyo's qcf+B/D) are totally omitted.
Alternate forms of characters only differ in special moves that the original doesn't have so they are put after the original forms.
Due to margin of error, guard crush reset times are lower (only a few tenths) than what they actually are.
Oh yeah, multi-hits are added in order of the hits.
发表于 2010-1-17 19:57 | 显示全部楼层
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