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[业界] Amazon成立游戏工作室 并推出脸书游戏/IGN预估《任天堂明星大乱斗4》将于明年问世

发表于 2012-8-8 13:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
知名网路电子商务公司 Amazon 发布新闻稿,宣布成立游戏工作室「Amazon Game Studios」,并于今日同步推出旗下自製的首款 Facebook 游戏《经典童话大冒险(Living Classics)》。

  Amazon 表示,公司之所以成立自家的游戏工作室,是因为他们了解许多公司的客户都相当热衷于游玩一些免费的社群休閒游戏,而 Amazon 也将利用他们的 know-how,为更多玩家带来创新、有趣的游戏作品。

  《经典童话大冒险(Living Classics)》是一款相当休閒的脸书益智游戏,玩家将必须在各个童话关卡中找寻会动的物件,挖掘深藏其中的秘密。值得注意的是,这些关卡包含许多经典的童话故事,例如爱丽丝梦游仙境、绿野仙踪、亚瑟王等。此外游戏也提供了各种道具供玩家在遇到难关时加以运用。
 利用 Facebook 的社群功能,玩家也可以在游戏中拜访其他好友,并藉此获得各种随机奖励及点数。有兴趣的玩家可利用置底连结直接进入游戏中体验。


IGN最近面會了桜井 政博
We’ve already seen how a number of games plan to integrate the Wii U’s GamePad, but we’ve yet to hear how the fourth instalment of the all-star brawl ‘em up will do the same. While Sakurai wasn’t ready to reveal everything, he explained to IGN that the company was looking into ways that worked specifically with Wii U’s new hardware, explaining “The GameCube controller is not the only way to control Smash Bros., so we will look into ways that fits the Wii U.”
Previous entries in the series have offered a fairly robust selection of control schemes, so it makes sense the next game will do the same. But while Sakurai admits the company needs to adapt to incorporate new controller options, he’s adamant the rest of the game doesn’t need to change to remain fresh. Having had three very successful entries in the franchise, the former Project Sora boss feels the series has found its target audience, meaning introducing gimmicks would hinder rather than help the brand.
“The game system itself is complete, so we don’t want to make it 3D or introduce complicated controls just for the sake of it,” he said. “However, I am thinking of ways we can introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play.”
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