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[业界] 育碧:WiiU运行Watch Dogs成为可能|5th cell:WiiU性能异常强大|更新GPU1.5倍传闻

发表于 2012-6-11 10:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

原文:Ubisoft’s “Watch Dogs” could come to the Wii U

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs was one of the biggest new titles revealed at E3 2012. It was the one game that everyone was talking about, more or less. Watch Dogs is a futuristic third person stealth and action game that reminds us a lot of Deus Ex. From what we’ve seen at E3, the primary game mechanic will be based around hacking and infiltrating systems and locations. While Watch Dogs is currently only scheduled for release on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2013, Ubisoft has now said that the game could very well arrive on the Wii U. Speaking to IGN, Ubisoft’s Tony Key said:
“We have so many games in development for Wii U right now that we need to keep that team focused and this is a very ambitious game. But it’s not out of the question.”
Watch Dogs got a lot of attention for its story, gameplay mechanics and visuals, which reminded us a lot of the futuristic settings in Deus Ex and Blade Runner. The video above shows Watch Dogs in action, showing the open world gameplay, the hacking mechanics, and more. We really hope to see Watch Dogs on the Wii U, which shouldn’t be that unrealistic, considering Ubisoft’s support for the platform.

摘要:育碧的Watch Dogs 是在2012 E3大展上发布的最新大作,人们或多或少都在不停地议论着这款跨时代的作品。这是一款第3人称的潜入动作游戏,我们在游戏中要通过种种考验,以便杀出重围。接受IGN的采访时,育碧的Tony Key这样说:“我们现在在开发很多WIIU游戏相关项目,只要保持专注,我们的团队将能使WIIU版本Watch Dogs面世,这不会成为问题的,这将是一个非常具有野心的游戏。”

Watch Dogs以它的故事,物理引擎和视觉效果,开发式世界观设定吸引了全球大量玩家的瞩目,考虑到育碧对任天堂平台的全力支持, Watch Dogs登陆WIIU,这是现实可行的。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-11 10:05 | 显示全部楼层

原文:Scribblenauts Unlimited possible because of Wii U power, says 5th Cell

“We’ve kind of had this in the pipe for a while. For a couple of years I’ve been wanting to do something like this, and the Wii U is also really, really powerful—Oh, that’s cool. With the Wii U we’ve been able to make the game way bigger, because with the object creation—putting all that stuff together—the DS just can’t handle all that stuff…even the Wii couldn’t handle it, but the horse-power of this can really handle it.” - 5th Cell's Jeremiah Slaczka

I can't wait to get my hands on the final version of this game. It'll be a race to see who can think up the craziest creations possible!

大意:5th Cell's Jeremiah Slaczka这样说过,相比DS,WII能提供的游戏形式。WIIU能创造出更好更丰富的游戏形态,除此之外,在这几年的WIIU相关项目开发工作中,我们发现WIIU的性能真的,真的非常强大。



“The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the Wii-U is just as powerful as those found in the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, but the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is one and a half times as powerful. This is what a Ubisoft employee has told Insidegamer.

Ubisoft distributed this information at a gameplay demonstration of Assassin's Creed III. The staff at Insidegamer did notice that the Wii-U version of the game was visually lacking compared to the other consoles at the moment. The game ran with less details and a less constant framerate.

This can be solved though. Because the Wii-U is a brand new console, developers have to get accustomed to the development on the device. According to Ubisoft, the Wii-U version of Assassin's Creed III will achieve the same quality as the PS3 and Xbox 360 at release

综合:在育碧的刺客3展台试玩中,该荷兰网站的编辑发现WIIU版刺客3看起来不如PS3,XBOX360的版本,这时旁边的育碧员工(临时雇佣工)为了证明WIIU版的刺客3完全可以达到其他平台的效果,所以告知试玩者WIIU的GPU有PS3,XBOX 360 的1.5倍效能,无须担心WIIU版的效果表现。至于WIIU的真实性能如何,目前育碧并没有官方回应。
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