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[专栏] 【058】[试读]韦氏高阶英汉双解词典[2]

发表于 2017-10-6 23:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  • 《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》和 Merriam-Webster Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary 音标一致,是国际音标的变体。
  • 《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》和韦氏大学词典(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)音标也就是我们通常所说韦氏音标,是不一样的。
  • 《Pronunciation Symbols 音标》页如图,无码,高清,看不清楚可放大

/əˈpɑːsəɬ/ noun, pl apos·tles [count]
1. : any one of the 12 men chosen by Jesus Christ to spread the Christian religion 使徒,宗徒(基督的十二门徒之一)
» Christ’s apostles 基督的使徒
2. : someone who believes in or supports an idea, cause, etc. 信徒;倡导者
‣ often + of
» apostles [=adherents, advocates] of peace and nonviolence 和平和非暴力的倡导者
» an apostle of democracy 民主的倡导者
/ˈbɑːfən/ noun, pl -fins [count]
chiefly Brit informal : a research scientist 科学研究者;科研工作者
» Our boffins finally broke the enemy’s code! 我们的研究人员终于破解了敌方的密码!
吐槽: coffin 是棺材,这 boffin 。。。莫不是寓意“搞科研就是入棺材”?
/kənˈʤiːnijəl/ adj [more con·ge·nial; most con·ge·nial]
somewhat formal
a. : suitable or appropriate 适合的;适宜的;相宜的
» The town is a congenial place for raising children. 这个小镇是个适合养育孩子的地方。
» We studied in the congenial atmosphere of the library. 我们在图书馆适宜的氛围里学习。
‣ often + to
» a style congenial to modern tastes 与现代品味相得益彰的风格
» The library offers an atmosphere congenial to learning. 图书馆提供了适宜学习的氛围。
b. : pleasant and enjoyable 讨人喜欢的;令人愉快的
» He found the work to be congenial. 他发现这工作很惬意。
2. : very friendly 友好的;和蔼的
» a congenial [=genial] host / companion 友好的主人 / 同伴
» She was congenial and easygoing. 她友好而随和
con·ge·ni·al·i·ty /kənˌʤiːniˈæləti/ noun [noncount]
» The club encouraged congeniality among its members. 俱乐部鼓励会员友好相待。
◇ Someone who is described as Miss Congeniality or Mr. Congeniality is a very friendly person who could win a contest for having the best personality. These phrases are often used in a negative or ironic way to say that someone is not friendly. 好好小姐,好好先生(常用作否定或讽刺之意)
» The teacher wasn’t exactly Miss Congeniality. [=she was very unfriendly] 这位老师绝不是什么好好小姐。
/ˈdʌʤən/ noun
in high dudgeon
formal : feeling and usually showing that you are angry or offended 愤怒地;怒冲冲地
» She walked out of the meeting in high dudgeon. 她愤然离开会场。
/ˌiːziˈgowıŋ/ adj [more easy·go·ing; most easy·go·ing]
: relaxed and informal 随和的;不拘礼的
» an easygoing boss 随和的老板
» a boss with an easygoing [=easy] manner 脾气随和的老板
/ˈfruːtfəl/ adj [more fruit·ful; most fruit·ful]
: producing a good result : very productive 富有成效的;多产的
» We had a fruitful discussion about the problems with the schedule. 对于议程上的问题,我们进行了富有成效的讨论。
» a fruitful meeting 富有成效的会议
» fruitful ideas / methods / suggestions 卓有成效的见解 / 方法 / 建议
‣ compare ↑fruitless
fruit·ful·ly adv
»These problems could be fruitfully addressed. 这些问题可以得到有效的解决。
fruit·ful·ness noun [noncount]
/ˈʤaırəˌskoʊp/ noun, pl -scopes [count]
: a wheel that spins quickly and is held in a frame that allows it to tilt in any direction 陀螺仪;回转仪
◇ Gyroscopes are used in steering devices on ships, airplanes, etc., and in other instruments. Some gyroscopes are used as toys. 陀螺仪用作轮船、飞机及其他仪器上的转向装置,有些陀螺仪可用作玩具。
gy·ro·scop·ic /ˌʤaırəˈskɑːpık/ adj
» gyroscopic instruments 陀螺仪器
/ˈhækɚ/ noun, pl -ers [count]
1. computers : a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage, etc. : a person who hacks into a computer system 黑客(指秘密进入计算机系统窃取或破坏他人信息的人)
2. US, informal : a person who plays a sport badly 不擅长某项运动的人
» My friends and I have been playing golf for years, but we’re still just a bunch of hackers. 我和几个朋友打高尔夫很多年了,可我们都还是些不入流的选手。
» a tennis hacker 技术糟糕的网球手
/ˈınfrəˌstrʌkʧɚ/ noun, pl -tures
: the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly 基础设施(如道路和桥梁等)
» [noncount] More money is needed to save the crumbling infrastructure of the nation’s rural areas. 需要更多的资金来拯救这个国家农村地区日渐破旧的基础设施。
» We need to spend more money on maintaining and repairing infrastructure. 我们需要花更多的钱来维修基础设施。
» [count] town / city infrastructures 小镇/城市基础设施
in·fra·struc·tur·al /ˈınfrəˌstrʌkʧərəl/ adj
» infrastructural maintenance and repair 基础设施的维护和修缮
/ˈʤoıfəl/ adj [more joy·ful; most joy·ful]
: feeling, causing, or showing great happiness : full of joy 高兴的;令人愉快的;快乐的
» a joyful family reunion 快乐的家庭团聚
» the children’s joyful faces 孩子们高兴的表情
» joyful news 喜讯
» We were joyful at the news. 我们听到这个消息很开心。
joy·ful·ly adv
» They greeted each other joyfully. 他们愉快地互相问候。
joy·ful·ness noun [noncount]
/ˈniːˌʤɚk/ adj, always used before a noun [more knee-jerk; most knee-jerk]
1. : occurring quickly and without thought 未经思索产生的;下意识的;无意识的
» It was a knee-jerk [=automatic] reaction. 这是一种下意识的反应。
2. disapproving : often reacting quickly and without thought 不假思索立即做出反应的;冲动的
» He said that they were just a bunch of knee-jerk liberals. 他说他们只是一群冲动的自由主义者。
(also love·able) /ˈlʌvəbəl/ adj [more lov·able; most lov·able]
: easy to love : having attractive or appealing qualities 可爱的;惹人爱的;讨人喜欢的
» a lovable clown 可爱的小丑
» He has a bad temper, but he’s still lovable. 他脾气不好,可还是很讨人喜欢。
lov·ably (also love·ably) /ˈlʌvəbli/ adv
» a lovably strange comedian 古怪得可爱的喜剧演员
/ˈmɛdıˌkeıt/ verb, -cates, -cat·ed, -cat·ing [+ obj]
: to treat (a person or disease) with medicine and especially with drugs 用药物治疗
» medicate an illness 用药物治疗疾病
» The patient had been heavily medicated. 这个病人接受了大量药物治疗。

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