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[专栏] 【028】英汉双解词典里的房价

发表于 2017-9-18 22:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


» No one expects house prices to go down in the near future. 没人认为最近房价会下降。
» House prices have come down to a more reasonable level. 房价已经降到一个更加合理的水平。
» No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that’ s exactly what happened. 没人预料到房价会跌,但不管怎样那确实发生了。
» House prices fell slightly in December. 房价在12月略有下降。
» House prices are still 2% below 2000 levels. 房价仍然比2000年低2%。

» House prices rose by an average 23% during 1998. 房价在1998年间平均上涨了23%。
» The house cost a good deal more than we expected. 房价比我们预期的高很多。
» House prices went up a further 12 per cent last year.去年房价又上涨了12%。
» This month has seen a moderate increase in house prices. 本月住房价格略有上扬。
» House prices in London are 5% higher than the national average. 伦敦的房价比全国平均水平高出5%。
» Housing prices are a lot higher in this neck of the woods. 这一地段的房价高出许多。
» The economy is struggling. That said, house prices rose slightly last month. 经济形势很艰难。尽管如此,房价上个月仍略有上扬。
» The price of housing was quite a shock for us. 房价着实让我们吃惊不小。
» Residential property in the city has doubled in value in the last three years. 该市的房价在过去的3年里已经翻了一番。
» House prices have come down recently.房价近来降了。
» Housing prices have skyrocketed in recent months.近几个月房价飞涨。
» Houses in this area used to be a real bargain, but they’re not cheap any more (= now).以前这一地区的房价非常低廉,但是现在可不便宜了。
» Houses in the London area (= in and around London) are very expensive.伦敦地区的房价很高。
» They bought their house while prices were low, so now they’re sitting pretty.他们在房价很低时买下了自己的房子,所以他们现在生活得很舒适。
» The rise in house prices meant that those who were selling enjoyed a bonanza.房价的上升意味着那些卖房者发了大财。
» House prices have been buoyed (up) in the area by the possibility of a new factory opening.因为可能有一家新工厂即将开工,所以该地区的房价一直居高不下。
柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典
» House prices had risen astronomically. 房价已经暴涨。
» Houses in the village are selling for astronomical prices… 乡村的房价正在飙升。
» …the British passion for bidding up the price of each other’s houses… 英国人哄抬彼此房价的热情。
牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版)
» House prices are creeping up again. 住房价格又在渐渐上涨。
» House prices went up by 10%. 房价上涨了 10%。
朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版)
» a steady climb in house prices 房价的持续上升
» the assertion that house prices are falling 房价在下跌的断言
» My calculations were based on the assumption that house prices would remain steady. 我的计算以这个假设为基础,即房价将保持稳定。
» We bought the house when prices were at rock bottom. 我们在房价最低时买下了这房子。
Marriage. Children. House. Money. All the usual anodynes that never work. 婚姻、孩子、房子、票子,所有这些通常用来给人以安慰。
评:“沪江小 D”、Pleco 里查 anodyne ,如上例句,翻译有误,漏了几个字,但是纸质版是正确的,奇怪的问题。
Marriage. Children. House. Money. All the usual anodynes that never work. 婚姻、孩子、房子、票子,所有这些通常用来给人以安慰但从不会有用的东西
❶[+ wardrobe, cupboard, larder] 步入式的
❷(accessible from street) [+ building]门挨大街的
❸(suitable for immediate occupation) [+ flat, house]即可入住的
对比下 Collins English Dictionary ,是不是很像?
Collins English Dictionary
1) (of a cupboard) large enough to allow a person to enter and move about in
2) US (of a building or apartment) located so as to admit of direct access from the street
3) (of a flat or house) in a suitable condition for immediate occupation

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