End是个大家都熟悉的词。它通常解释为末端,但是在习惯用语里可以有很多不同的意思。例如在下面的习惯用语中,ends指对立的两方。Play both ends against the middle。要是某人play both ends against the middle,这人就是在对立双方间玩弄手腕,造成双方相争,使自己得利。
据说这个习惯用语来自一种一百多年前几乎跟poker一样风行的纸牌赌博游戏,叫做faro。不过,它究竟是怎么来的众说纷纭。有一种说法是play both ends against the middle其实就指发牌的庄家让玩牌的人同时下两笔赌注。
Ed Green won by playing both ends against the middle: one opponent was conservative, the other liberal. So he let them fight it out with each other while he told everybody he was a moderate who could see both sides of a question. Ed Green在对立两派间耍弄手段而赢得了选举胜利。他的两个竞争对手分别是保守派和自由派,他让他们斗得不可开交,而他却从中渔利,到处宣扬自己是温和的中间派,看问题能两面兼顾。
这里的play both ends against the middle含义是在对立两派间耍弄手段,从中渔利。
其实像这样玩弄手腕的事例不只是政界才有,日常生活中也常有所闻。我们接下来要看的例子就发生在一家大企业要提升雇员的时候。有三个人在竞争这个提升机会,其中一个名叫Smith,他分别到另外两人面前说,在他心目中那个人最适合被提升,然后又加油添醋地说另一个人如何如何说那人的坏话;结果那两人在大庭广众面前吵得天翻地覆。后来呢? Smith got the job by playing both ends against the middle. The directors picked him because they thought the other two were too bad-tempered to get along with the office staff. Smith耍弄两面手腕而谋得这个职位。董事会选中了他是因为觉得另外两人脾气太暴躁,不能与工作人员和睦相处。
这里的play both ends against the middle意思还是玩弄手腕,在他人之间挑起事端,使自己得利。